I made it an entire month without using our heat or air conditioning, but one day last week I finally gave in, closed the windows and turned on the furnace. It's a twice yearly ritual - embracing the changing of the seasons by really feeling the shift. (I am alone in my enjoyment of this tradition and have to watch the thermostat to keep it from being surreptitiously switched back on). But now it's time to get cozy. I've got a (rewarmed) cup of coffee to hand, I'm wearing my favorite sweatshirt, and we had HelloFresh shepherd's pie for dinner and it was so satisfying.
I tend to be somewhat withdrawn during Scorpio season, preferring solitary campfires and quiet evening journaling to going and doing. It's kind of a gentle wind down from the energy of Leo, the determination of Virgo, and the airiness of Libra - before we dive brightly back in for Sagittarius and lights and gathering and delightfulness.
So this month I'm looking at roots - the figurative kind, mostly, specifically mine. The things that lay below the surface, grown long ago, that determine present trajectory. Will you join me?