Happy September! In my mind, I associate this month with open windows and the scents of school supplies and falling leaves, although the pencils really happened last month and the only reason leaves are falling right now in the US South is because it's been 100*F and the trees are all kinds of done with that nonsense (so the windows are staying tightly closed, too).
It's still the beginning of my favorite season, though. A time to switch from the high energy of August and begin the slow turn inward for winter, this is when I generally do my Gathering. Neither nuts nor potatoes to fill my cellar, but books for my shelves to occupy the lengthening evenings, and small beautiful things to enjoy when the world goes drab.
This is also when I attempt to put systems into place to help all of us in this little house coexist peaceably, setting up schedules and chores and routines for myself and for the kids. Some years that goes better than others--I'm feeling good about this year, though!
So this month I'm planning to write about the gathering, of knowledge and order and beauty. I hope you'll join me!